Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Dairy Queen - Something Different

As I get older, I have noticed that my taste buds have changed...I used to LOVE sweet treats, but dad has helped me transition into potato chips / Doritos. However, I can't pass up a golden opportunity when it looks me in the face...I love the DQ ice cream and enjoy every last bite, even down to licking the spoon!

1 comment:

Al said...

Autie Rae,
Sweets for the sweet, that's what I say! This girl prefers DQ any old day! Chips and Doritos are a nice change of pace, but deny her soft serve and she'll get in your face! Now Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, so order her TWO 'cause you've been forewarned! For many have bought her A CUP and a SPOON, but when she got through she called them "Buffoon!" How dare they deny her her God Given Right, she must get her "fill" on a Saturday night! So don't be a cheapskate and dig down deep, and I promise you one thing...she won't say a peep!

"We treat you Right!"