Friday, January 30, 2009

Classic Rewind - Christmas, Hicks' Style

(Que the music) "This is HOW WE DO IT" Christmas - Hicks' style - Not to be mistaken for the new hit series "Howie Do It" by Howie Mandel...
Maw Maw enjoying a good laugh beside a nodding Danny
Honey displays her Picture Book to little Autie
"Yes! Just what I always wanted! An expecting Mom shirt that says 'Yellow Jacket Arriving Soon' !"
Emalee looking ecstatic while Jill checks out the scene
Aunt Lindy striking a pose

Autie Rae opening many of her zillions of presents. Mom & dad have had to rent a storage building to house it! ;)
Meanwhile, Abby Rooney celebrates Christmas back home in a sporty blue vest with hood - Very Sharp!

1 comment:

Al said...

Autie Rae,
As one of Santa's ambassadors, you sure do know how to turn up the heat on a cold December day! I haven't seen an outfit that smokin' since Richard Pryor ran down the street on fire! And speaking of fire, a vision is coming to me even as I speak, and I see your yard being singed by fire sometime in the month of February! Does that mean anything to you? Well, I've got to go now, but I just wanted to see how the Hick's Chicks do Christmas! And apparently, they do it WELL! PARTY ON!!!