Monday, December 1, 2008

I like going to Costco

Pony Rides are awesome and a good excuse to go to Coscto...Hopefully, I will have more than a One-Trick Pony! ;)

1 comment:

Al said...

Autie Rae,
Finally, a shot of you with shoes ON your feet! And if you think for one second that you're gonna get MY pony, forget it! I need it to ride to work on! Your old Uncle Al doesn't have those bottomless pockets like he used to have. Times are tough, and the only time I even want to hear the word pony mentioned this holiday, is if my boss decides to "pony up" enough money for a Christmas bonus! You kids today have it made. When I was your age, my dad would go outside right before Christmas and fire off a gun. Then, he would come inside and tell me that Santa had just committed suicide! OK, so I'm just pulling your leg about that, but you're still not getting my pony! You need to talk directly to "The Man", the "Head Honcho", "The Connection!" You know who I'm talkin' about...Santa! And when you do, how about puttin' in a good word for your old Uncle Al! I could sure use a good upgrade to a Ford Pinto to drive to work in!

"Merry Christmas You Old Savings
and Loan!"
(It's A Wonderful Life)