Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Thanks for all He has blessed us with!


aunt jill said...

Lil Autie,
I hope you and your parents are having a great holiday vacation. I am so happy that new traditions are begining for you. You will always remember these great times with your family. Also, I have to say that you look beautiful in your turkey day outfit!!! ( and so does your Mama). Happy Thanksgiving Baby, and remember to count your blessings!!!! I Love You All

Al said...

Autie Rae,
Blessed are they who suckle the passee, for THEY shall inherit the drumstick! HAPPY THANKSGIVING, Little One, and to all the rest of you TURKEYS! While you're curled up in front of a warm cozy fire, I'm sitting here enjoying the Radio City Music Hall Rockettes in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. And although I'm NOT in front of a fire, I'm still experiencing a warm and tingling sensation inside as well! Oh, Thank Heavens for beautiful women in skimpy Santa outfits doing high leg kicks! Well, you get back to making memories, but remember one thing this Thanksgiving...heads should be bowed, and feet OFF the table! I learned that last one from Judith Martin(aka Miss Manners).

"Happy Thanksgiving!"