Wednesday, June 11, 2008

What is that SMELL?

Good Evening! Yes, that funky smell is coming from the Braselton Area. What is it you ask? Well, I am teething and eating my veggies & fruits, so it is making for some pretty bizaare scents - Scents that I know my Uncle Al & Dee enjoy very much! Dad literally gagged the other day when he changed my soiled diaper. Of course, I did warn him so I don't know why it caught him by surprise!

Right after that, mommy washed me up pretty nicely!

Can you tell I like looking at myself in the mirror?


Anonymous said...

If that is not precious, I don't know what is....As for that smell coming from Braselton, GA(S)...I would have guessed it is something your father did!!! Nothing nasty could come from someone as sweet as you! After all - you take after your Mom!

Like I've said before the infamous words of Mimi..."it smells like roses!"

Love you!

Aunt Lisa

Al said...

Autie Rae,
"Cause... I eat me Spinach, I'm good to the finish, I'm Pipeye the sailor Girl"...Poo, Poop! Who doesn't love the smell of "processed" spinach? Just tell your friends who pop over, there's a sewage plant behind your house! I think I'm gonna call you "Narcissus II" because you love looking at your reflection in the mirror so much. But that's OK, because if I looked like you, I'd move to India and lodge at a lovely little place called the "Taj Mahal", where there's a cozy little room inside called the "Hall of Mirrors"! There, I could admire myself all day and STILL order room service!("Chop, Chop"!)Fact of the matter is Autie Rae, it doesn't matter what you smell or look like, because you'll ALWAYS be A#1 to me! I hope you're gonna feel better because tomorrow is a very important day in your will officially turn six months old! And "girl", do I have something to say to you then!!!

"A rose is a rose"!