Friday, July 20, 2007

Seeing the Baby's Heartbeat for the Very First Time

I was very worried about the abdominal pains I was having on the vacation to Disney. According to Dr. Blank, everything was fine.

I was examined and they showed us the heart beat blinking very rapidly on the screen. Pictured is our very first Ultrasound.

1 comment:

Al said...

Please excuse me for my apparent ignorance, but that picture of your first ultrasound looks eerily similar to the photos taken by the Apollo astronauts on their way to the moon! Is that, in fact, the Dark Side of the Moon we are witnessing with Tranquility Base clearly visible to the left in the photo? Just kidding! What we have here is something far more precious than any "moon shots"! It is, quite simply, a picture of a beautiful little life in its early stages! Cherish the moment! As far as the abdominal pains go, I wouldn't worry too much....It's probably just "Gas"! "How do YOU spell Relief"???