Saturday, July 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

We Love You Daddy and we feel like this year you are getting cheated on your special day{since we will be driving to Florida}. We hope you have a wonderful birthday and a great vacation!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Our First G Braves game

daddy got some tickets from work to the Gwinnett braves game. We went and hung out for a little while. Bubba and I were all over the place, so we didn't stay the whole time, but it was fun. We got to meet Chopper. I was afraid, but Bubba got his picture with him. Thanks daddy for taking us to the game!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Not the reason we went....

to the mall, but somehow this is what happened. Mom told me when we walked by the fountain, I could TOUCH the water one time, but what was mom thinking. I decided to touch many times. Sometimes I just don't listen, but it sure was fun. Thank goodness mom had an extra pair of clothes.

A Special Treat!

Mom let us eat our dinner watching TV last night{don't call the dinner police on her}. We usually eat at the table, but she said it was a special treat and Bubba and I had fun!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I DID IT!!!!!

I went on my Big Girl Potty!!!! Mommy and Daddy were so happy and proud of me. I got to put a sticker on my chart and I also got to visit Chuck E Cheese's.  I played games with Daddy and Bubba got to enjoy the trip also. With my tickets I earned from the games, I got a flower headband and a ring! I am thinking this potty thing might be fun after all!!

Another trip to the Lake!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Bubba's time

Today Sissy went to her friends house to play for a few hours and I had mommy all to myself{kindof, the daycare was still here}. It was special! I like to take a bath in the sink, so mommy let me play in there a while and then I got to eat at the Big Kids table for lunch.

Is it Halloween yet?

I Love Moe's!

and I Love Cheetos!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

It's that Time!

ok, so we are trying the potty thing, again. We tried this once already, but it just wasn't time yet. I am not sure if I am ready again, but mom is working real hard with me. Today I got to wear big girl panties.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Playing in my room

I don't usually let Bubba come in and play in my room, but tonight I gave him permission to enter.

We were having fun at first and then I decided to hold Bubba down, he didn't like it too much!
Bubba got stuck in my step stool!
Where's Waldo in this messy room!