Wednesday, July 14, 2010

It's that Time!

ok, so we are trying the potty thing, again. We tried this once already, but it just wasn't time yet. I am not sure if I am ready again, but mom is working real hard with me. Today I got to wear big girl panties.

1 comment:

Al said...


Ah, yes...the BELOVED library! The ONLY room in the whole house where a man can go to sit and think...and stink! But I believe you fairer sex call it the "Powder Room." All I know is that when your daddy gets through in there, it's more like a "Powder Keg" getting ready to go off! But I digress! I'm so very proud of you for all of the hard work and dedication you've put into learning how to go "potty!" You're so far ahead of where I was when I was your age that it isn't funny. NO, REALLY! I didn't learn how to use the potty until I was eighteen! You can only imagine what my dry cleaning bill was every week! And for the life of me, I'll NEVER know how you manage to look so CUTE while taking care of business...and ALL without ever scrunching up your face!!! You truly ARE a marvel! Well, I believe it's THAT time for me as well. So keep up the good work, and, if you would be so kind, please pass me the sports page! Catch ya' on the flipflop!!!