Monday, July 26, 2010

A Special Treat!

Mom let us eat our dinner watching TV last night{don't call the dinner police on her}. We usually eat at the table, but she said it was a special treat and Bubba and I had fun!

1 comment:

Al said...

Autie and Andy,

I'm NOT going to call the dinner police on your mom just for letting you watch TV while eating, but I AM going to call them about what she's feeding you two! That's the SADDEST little look on your face I've ever seen! I mean, it's healthy and all, but WHERE'S the excitement? You look like a "Meat and Potato" kinda' girl to me! Tell ya' what....grab your shoes, and I'll be over in twenty minutes to take you and your brother out for a nice steak dinner! And YES, you can watch your cartoons on the big screen TV there!