Tuesday, June 29, 2010


for a swing set!

When the Toys R Us catalog comes in the mail, I am looking through it for Bubba and I a big kid swing set. I am a pretty serious shopper too. Maybe one day, is what mom keeps on saying


1 comment:

Al said...


Don't you believe it for a SECOND!!! That's always what grown-ups say when they want to get you off their backs. I learned a long time ago that MAYBE means NO! But instead of pouting, the best thing to do is to soften your mom and dad up. And the BEST way to do that is to wait until you've been to the doctor's or dentist's office. Say, you're gonna' have a baby root canal soon aren't ya'? THERE YOU GO! You come out of there lookin' all pitiful like, and I guarantee you'll be inviting old Uncle Al up to push you on your brand spankin' new swing set within a week! WHO LOVES YA' BABY???...Uncle Al does, THAT'S WHO!!!