Sunday, June 20, 2010

We Love you Daddy!

Happy Father's day Dad! Thank you for all you do for us. We think you are the best dad ever. Thank you for always playing with us and reading us books and taking us bye-bye. We are so thankful for you! Hope this is a great day for you!

1 comment:

Al said...

Autie and Andy,

OK, OK!!! I'll do this, BUT just this ONCE! "HAPPY FATHER'S DAY, MICHAEL!" There....I said it! ARE YOU HAPPY??? I guess your dad is pretty much the most important man in your lives, huh? He SHOULD be, because he loves you two MORE than life itself! Cherish your DAD, because these are going to be some of the BEST years of your lives! I know that you're young, but ONE day you'll look back and realize that your dad was REALLY somethin' "SPECIAL!!!" Now, I may NOT agree with THAT, but, believe it or not, I have been known to be wrong before! So go give your Dad a big HUG and a KISS today! Then, you can tell ME where to get off!!!