Friday, July 31, 2009

Free Chic-Fil-A Night

Yep, you guessed mom and dad dressed me and lil Bubby up like some crazed fools (cows) just so we get get some free meals out of it...oh well, like they say, "if it's free, it's for ME!"

1 comment:

Al said...

Autie Rae,
Don't look now, but the proverbial cows just came home! Funny, though, I don't recognize that big heifer on the left! Too bad "Let's Make A Deal" isn't still on TV, cause your bovine parents could make a fortune acting silly! And if your friends question you about this incident, just tell them that your mom and dad have recently been diagnosed with Mad Cow Disease! That should keep you in good standing with all of your peeps! But to save much embarrassment in the future, let's keep the "dressing up" just for Halloween, eh?

"Cowabunga, Dude!"