Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sweet Sixteen

I am Sixteen months old today,
Why did we have to bring my little brother home on this glorious day?

My hair is getting longer and blonder,
so far my love for Andy is not growing fonder!

I once was the queen of my domain,
all of this baby whining is driving me insane!

I know I will eventually love this little brother of mine,
I will have to pray about it and it will come with time.

My reign will now have to be shared with lil' Andy,
Now I will have to ration off my food and even my Candy!

Well, God wanted me to have a sibling to harass and play with,
that is about all I can think of since I am no master wordsmith.

I guess I have ranted enough and don't want to be obscene,
after all, there are a lot of great things about being sixteen.

Thank you for all the love & attention for I will surely remember,
Hopefully you won't forget that my birthday is the 12th of December!

1 comment:

Al said...

Autie Rae,
Things God has given make no mistake; what once was yours is now brother's to take! So lock up your toys and run for your life; a new kid's in town and he's causing some strife! For the Reign of Terror has only begun; and the heck of it is it's your mom and dad's son! So what to do when you're faced with dispair; either call on the Lord or pull out your hair? Were told in the Bible that all things shall pass; but while you wait you're passing some gas! But be not disheartened for there's light at the end; true love will win out and your heart will mend! For love is a match made only in heaven, in time it will grow like bread from the leaven! So love little Andy and wish him well; today you're sixteen and I think you're SWELL!