Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Naps...Who Needs Them?

Some folks would say that I go zero to ninety in no time. That's how I roll, FULL SPEED! I go until I can't GO NO MO! Naps? I don't need no stinkin' naps! Here is a couple of pics when my tank ran empty two days before Andy was born...typically, if I succumb to a nap, I do so on the sofa or a bed...not on this day!

Monday, April 13, 2009

If you can't be with the one you love...


Autie Rae decides to take a nap in the "shelf" under her baby brother.

Autie Rae After her afternoon nap sippin' on some cool stream water ;)

Lil' Andy after a feeding...the little fella is KNOCKED OUT!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sweet Sixteen

I am Sixteen months old today,
Why did we have to bring my little brother home on this glorious day?

My hair is getting longer and blonder,
so far my love for Andy is not growing fonder!

I once was the queen of my domain,
all of this baby whining is driving me insane!

I know I will eventually love this little brother of mine,
I will have to pray about it and it will come with time.

My reign will now have to be shared with lil' Andy,
Now I will have to ration off my food and even my Candy!

Well, God wanted me to have a sibling to harass and play with,
that is about all I can think of since I am no master wordsmith.

I guess I have ranted enough and don't want to be obscene,
after all, there are a lot of great things about being sixteen.

Thank you for all the love & attention for I will surely remember,
Hopefully you won't forget that my birthday is the 12th of December!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I FINALLY have a little Brother!

My little brother, Anderson Michael Langley, aka "Plug", was born today at 10:24am. He tried outdoing me in the weight department, but NO CAN DO! He weighed...
(7lbs 11oz for you slow folks)

Granted, this is ALL second-hand information due to the fact that I was at home all day with Nana and G-Daddy. He was 20 and a half inches long and his head was 3" SMALLER than my head...so, little brother, your BIG sis is STILL the Queen of this Castle! Anderson stole the hearts of every woman he encountered today. He even left several TAR treats for his personal nurse to clean up! Daddy downloaded these pics for me to share. He also wanted to pass along his appreciation for everyones prayers and well wishes. Mommy is doing amazingly well (I don't know how since I am not there!). Special thanks to Nana & G-Daddy for keeping me. Also, thanks to Honey, Maw Maw & Big Daddy (VIP) for getting up at the crack of dawn to support mommy & daddy at the hospital. Aunt Jenny & Emalee for stopping by and shedding a lot of love on me. Aunt Lindy for the beautiful flowers that she sent. Thanks for all the phone calls and text messages from all of our awesome friends! For all those that couldn't make it today, and I speak for my little brother, He looks forward to meeting you all very soon! Enjoy the pictures and be sure to leave a comment.