Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Feelin' Kinda Sunday

I know when it is Sunday...it is REALLY early when mom & dad wake me up. Mom already has my "Finest" laid out. On this glorious Sunday morning, I wouldn't let go of my dad's sweater when it came time for him to drop me off for nursery. I calmed down several minutes after he dropped me off, though, so don't worry.

However, a lot of my good friends were missing today: Walker, Will, Kale, & Hunter, not that I am naming names! Well, I gotta give Will partial credit since he came for the first hour! ;)

Then, a pleasant surprise occurred. G-Daddy showed up with his camera in tow. So, I began posing and here are a couple of pics from that particular shoot.

1 comment:

Al said...

Autie Rae,
If looking at a little angel wearing a denim dress constitutes having a religious experience, then, I just had one! Unfortunately, the closest I've come to observing the Lord's Day of late is eating a Sundae, with double fudge and extra nuts! But if the single ladies there in church look half as good as you, Autie, then I may just have to warm a pew in my Sunday best, and practice shouting, "Hallelujah Brother!" Why, I may even lead the congregation in a rousing rendition of, "Shall We Gather at the River!" All of a sudden, I'm feelin' kinda Sunday too, and it's all because of a little angel on my shoulder dressed in denim! Thanks, Autie! The Lord sure does work in mysterious ways!