Sunday, June 8, 2008

I Love Hittin' the Pool!

I take after my mom...I love catching some rays at the pool! Here are a couple of photos of my first pool experience at Aunt Lisa's.


Al said...

Autie Rae,
For a second I thought that Hollywood had come to town, and they were casting for new episodes of "Bay Watch"! But then I realized that show was about a bunch of over-paid, talentless "hacks", and YOU Autie Rae, as we already know, are destined for FAR greater things! With those beautiful "baby blues" of yours, and THAT "pearly white", I frankly can't see why you couldn't be starring in your OWN tv sitcom. You MAY, however, want to ease up on the drool. It has a tendency to cast a reflection on the camera! Otherwise, you're GOOD to GO, except for naming your salary. Oh yeah, one more thing! Get PLENTY of beauty sleep, because you're not gonna be able to "throw in the towel" when you get tired like you did in that last photo. You're in the "Big Leagues" NOW kiddo, and being a Hollywood celebrity is going to require a grueling effort on your part to stay two steps ahead of all those autograph seekers!

"Lights, Camera, Action"!

Anonymous said...


I think you put the rest of the ladies at the pool to shame in that little bathing suit of yours! :) You filled it out to a tee! Each time I see you, you get more adorable and more precious! I don't know what your parents are feeding you...but it suits you well! I love you stinker and I look forward to many more fun days at the pool...followed by more naps! I might even give you more rides in the basket!

"put Autie (and the lotion) in the basket!"

LU Squirt!
