Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My Big Day Out - Ikea

Last Saturday, I experienced Ikea with my mom & dad and Aunt Lisa. I was overwhelmed! Here are a couple of shots...


Anonymous said...

Awh...Good thing is, you came out smelling like a rose once again!!! Not to mention you slept most of the time we walked through the IKEA maze! How many cinnamon buns did you eat? Yummy! I love you stinker! :)

Aunt Lisa

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention...I bet some LUCKY shopper is going to be "overwhelmed" when they got that buggie with your special "prize" in it! :) ha ha They will think they won the jackpot! :)

Love you precious little angel!

Aunt Lisa

Al said...

Autie Rae,
You are just "too cool for school" my little peppermint chicklet! Only three months old, and already you're a seasoned shopper! I had to do a little research to find out what IKEA was. Turns out, it's a Swedish owned retail store founded in 1943 that sells home products for less...or, should I say, at bargain prices. I couldn't understand why your parents would take you to a store that sold kitchen appliances and the like. And then, I SAW it! "KIDDIE STUFF"! Suddenly, all the tumblers fell into place, and I knew without hesitation that you had a date in the TOY SECTION! "How GREAT is LIFE my little "JELLY BEAN"??? Well, anyway, there's still much to learn about this fascinating store, but my sincere hope is that you did a BIG OLD "I-PEE-A" in IKEA before you left the store! "Clean Up in Aisle Three"!!