Thursday, March 20, 2008

Can't wait to Sample the Nectar, aka "The Real Thing"

While I am sipping on Similac, my mom & dad often are guzzling Coke products like they are going out of, I can't wait to get my taste buds tantalized by the refreshing taste of Coca-Cola Products...pictured is me being "teased"...oh well, It won't be long until I can sip the nectar!


Anonymous said...

That is so pitiful the way your daddy teases you!!! Don't you worry sugar, Aunt Lisa will give you whatever your little heart desires...Tomorrow on the menu...milkshakes! Or maybe we will start out slow with a formula smoothie! :)
Don't forget, when your Daddy teases you, that YOU have the ace in your sleeve for getting him back...You can always give him a splatter platter in your tiny diaper to have to clean! That'll show him! Love you!

Aunt Lisa

Al said...

Autie Rae,
Don't be fooled my little "Chick-A-Dee"! YOU are the "Real Thing", and everyone or everything else is just a "ZERO"! Tell your Mom and Dad that they've tried all the "Rest", now it's time for them to try the "Best"....YOU! You're zero calories and all the same great taste as Coke. It's no wonder your Daddy goes into work every day with a "Sugar Buzz"! What's more my little "Wild Child", You put the SMILE in, "Have a Coke and a Smile"! "SAMPLE THAT" Daddy-O!!!