Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Thank you Aunt Lindie for my new outfit!

1 comment:

Al said...


Here's a little secret that I'll share with you....women LOVE a well-dressed man! UH, HUH!!! You can be butt-ugly, but if you dress to the nines, then, your days as a LONELY bachelor are over for GOOD! Your biggest problem will suddenly shift from deciding which OUTFIT to wear each day, to which LADY you want to take out each night! But HERE'S where the caution flag comes out....if, at any point, you hear the word "commitment" mentioned, politely excuse yourself from the table, and head outside the restaurant where, hopefully, the parking attendant has your car waiting for you to beat a hasty retreat! In other words, "LIVE TO DATE ANOTHER NIGHT!!!" And on the way HOME, you can drop those new pants off at the DRY CLEANERS!!!