Friday, June 11, 2010

I went to the Dentist!

Well, It was that time. Time for me to take my first trip to the dentist. Mom was nervous for me, but I did GREAT!  I was such a big girl! I didn't even cry! I got a prize, sticker, balloon and a new tooth brush!

1 comment:

Al said...


The dentist and I, for some strange reason, don't seem to get along quite as well as you do. The ONLY thing I got on my last visit was two fillings, a reprimand for not flossing good enough, and ANOTHER appointment! Oh, yeah....and a BILL TOO! That "award winning" smile of yours is incredible! I've never seen a set of "pearly whites" as beautiful in my entire life! My teeth are NOWHERE close to being as pretty as yours! I know, because I look at them every night when I put them in a glass beside my bed....right next to my glass eye!!!