Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I caught him!!!!!

Yep, I caught him. Lately Bubba has been throwing everything away{everything but trash} and today I saw him throwing away puzzle pieces! That little stinker!


aunt jill said...

Oh Bubba!
That i so funny!

Al said...


Careful, "Little Man!" Big Brother is watching your every move....and so is "Yo' Mama!" But where I disagree with your mom is the part about throwing stuff away that isn't trash! Whatever happened to the old saying, "One man's trash is another man's treasure?" Who's to say what's trash and what isn't? I'm afraid I have to side with you on this one! And, you'll be thrilled to hear that "Mr. Clean" just called! He said he'd be more than happy to testify on your behalf as an "expert witness" should this matter go to court! So sleep well tonight, Andy! We'll get this little matter all "cleaned up" before the next trash pick-up!