Sunday, March 14, 2010

Beware of Kitchen Cabinet Munchkins

This is what you must be on the lookout for.  Kitchen Munchkins.  It only takes a matter of seconds and "BOOM!"  It happens.  Two munchkins destroyin' your tupperware cabinet.  Two loads of unecessary dish washin'.  Oh well, at least they are cute!  :)

1 comment:

Al said...

Autie and Andy,

I've heard of having roaches and ants in your cabinets, but MUNCHKINS? Does Orkin even spray for that kind of pest? And before you go calling them cute, just remember what happens when you feed other pests after midnight?(Goonies, or Gremlins) No, I wouldn't take any chances! Call a reputable exterminator, and find out how to rid your household of these unwanted invaders before they start taking over(eating at your kitchen table, and sleeping between you in bed!) And for goodness sakes, throw that Tupperware away before you get COOTIES!!!