Monday, August 4, 2008

Forget, E.T.

1 comment:

Al said...

Autie Rae,
Forget "Entertainment Tonight?" But then how would I get my daily fix of all those little airheads like Britney Spears and Paris Hilton? I'm sorry Autie Rae, but going without E.T. is like a day without sunshine! Besides, Mary Hart's gams are to DIE FOR, especially for a seventy-nine year old biker chick! And speaking of gams Autumn, I'm just pulling yours. Somehow I'll never be able to watch that scene again of E.T. in the closet surrounded by all those stuffed animals without thinking of your lovely little face! You absolutely ROCK MY WORLD baby girl! As far as I'm concerned, E.T. can not only "phone home", but he can GO HOME too as long as I have YOU!!!

"And now you know the
rest of the story!"