Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Rub a Dub Dub, I like the shower & the Tub

I love it when I get a bath or have the opportunity to take a shower...I especially like one right before bedtime because it settles me down and relaxes my little nerves.


Al said...

Autie Rae,
Believe it or not, my little "Maid of the Mist", the oldest known version of this popular children's nursery rhyme goes something like this: Rub a Dub Dub, What's that brown thing in the Tub....It's as big as a Sub; I think it was Nub!!! My advice to YOU from now on Autumn, is to use the SHOWER and leave the tub baths to your daddy with the irritable bowel syndrome! All kidding aside, Kiddo, You look simply stunning with that water glistening off your baby soft skin! Esther Williams Never looked so beautiful!!! I just hope that whoever that is with the silky smooth legs that's holding you is your mother, because if it's your dad, then, he seriously needs to lay off the NAIR!!!

"Splish Splash, I Was Takin' A Bath"!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! At first I thought you were going to be a hand or foot model, but after seeing these pic's I realize you are going to be on the cover of the Sports Illustrated in about 20 years or be the next VS Super Model/Angel! What a little HOTTIE! And I see you must get your modesty from your father!
It feels like just yesterday I could hear him asking your Paw-Paw (Boyd Otis) to take pictures of him...wait...that was yesterday! :)
Don't worry sweetness - we won't be bothering you for autographs for a couple more years! I love you and you precious little buns! ***MUAH!***

Aunt Lisa

Anonymous said...

Little Autumn~

I was sitting here wondering what in the world could possibly be making your little nerves frazzled and then it hit me...With a father who is "blasting" earthquakes that register a 9 on the Richter scale, my nerves would be shot too! Word to the wise - stay close to your Mommy - she always smells good and science has proven that smells you develop early on help stimulate brain function - so again stay close to your Mommy! We want you to grow up to be a genius not a rodeo clown! Pretty soon Jeff Foxworthy is going to be without a job, when I start hosting “Are you smarter than Autie Rae”!

Nana said...

oh are so cute swimming with mommie when school gets out for the summer and mommie can come to the pool and you can really kick up some waves! i love you and miss you so much!