Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Dreaded Day FINALLY Arrived...

The good old days have come & more Sunday School sitting on mom & dad's lap. Nope. Now I have to have some stranger hold, rock & change me during the 8:15am hour. Here are two shots from Sunday (obviously after SS - I was tuckered out from all the drama!)...One good thing came out of the experience - I got a NEW Bib (like I needed one!) that said "I'm a Gift from God". How true that is!
Meanwhile, later that night...


Jessica said...

Hey Langley's. No more hiding out over here with Autumn. Who is about 1 year and 1 week and 1 day younger than Austin. So sweet. So fun to see y'all on here. What a blessing to have met you in the Caribbean. God bless you!

Al said...

Autie Rae,
Red and Yellow, Black and White, Bluebell has the BEST in sight, Michael LOVES the Ice Creams of the World(Sung to the tune of, "Jesus loves the little children of the world"!) Hey,
"Sweetheart", either that's a "Flack Jacket" you're wearing, or, your daddy has that bib on backwards! I don't even think he would enjoy a flavor of ice cream called "Cool Drool"! Guess what, "Sprinkles", that "Dreaded Day" will be rolling around soon enough for me as well, if, you know what I mean? In the meantime, you truly are a gift from God, but I really believe, at this moment, your Dad would rather have a "gift" from Kroger in the form of a half-gallon of ice cream! Oh, by the way, tell Jessica that this blog site is not big enough for the both of us! She simply will have to go away! Just kidding! It's great to have friends that special! But never-the-less, "GAME ON"!!! Anyway, I know you're tuckered out, my "frosty" little dessert, so I'll let you sleep for now. But get plenty of rest, 'cause Sunday School is only three days away! "Preach On, Brother Al"!!!

Anonymous said...

One thing is for sure...YOU are a GIFT from GOD! :)
I think the only drama going on in your little Sunday School class must have been the teachers fighting over who could hold you, rock you, feed you, maybe not so much change you, but...I know if I was in there I would have been causing some drama to be with you!