Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tuesday's Gone with the Wind

Well, another typical Tuesday came and went. The Easter Bunny (aka Mom) visited briefly. Also, there are several random images of me...enjoy.


Al said...

Tuesday may be "Gone with the Wind", but just remember, "Tomorrow is another Day"....A special day....Your day, Munchkin! For tomorrow, you will turn three months old! That's right....'Cause Pepperidge Farm remembers!....and so does your old Uncle Al! "Here, Here, Cookies all around for everyone"!!! With Easter just around the corner, I'm anxiously awaiting to see what the Easter Bunny brings you! A word of warning though....If you participate in an "Egg Hunt" in your front yard, beware of the "CHOCOLATE" Easter Bunny! These are usually "goodies" dropped in your yard by neighbor's dogs on the night before Easter. Your Aunt Lisa found ONE when she was a little girl, and it took a long time to clean her "jellies"! "See you down the Bunny Trail"!

Anonymous said...

Don't you worry little precious...the Easter Bunny came early this year, since there are so many stops for him to make and left your little basket at my place already! He left you lots and lots of little prizes!!! :)

Did you enjoy Idol last night? Who do you think is going home? I value your opinion more than Simon, Paula, and Randy's...

I can't wait to see you soon and kiss your little sweet head!

Aunt Lisa