Monday, March 3, 2008

Sunday, Sunday ... A day of rest & shopping!

Well, it was an exhausting day...Next week, my mom & dad will attempt to check me into the Hebron nursery since they registered me today... :(
On the bright side, I met up with Nana & Aunt Lisa. My family endulged themselves on Red Robin and shopping. Who do you think was the beneficiary of that shopping trip? You guessed it, ME!!! I got my first bathing suits today! Thanks for the meal and the goodies, Aunt Lisa!
This was Nana feeding me

...and sneaking some sugars!
Me at the gap...I wanted to feel the grass between my toes
Meanwhile, back at Lisa's place...I was tying on my new diggs...


Anonymous said... look so stinkin' precious! I could gobble you up with kisses every time I am blessed with your presence! I can't wait to go to the pool every weekend this summer and watch you sun bathe and swim to your little hearts content! Thank you for bringing so much LOVE to my life! I love you! See you soon...

Aunt Lisa

Al said...

Forgive me Norman Vincent Peale, but this semi public display of nudity on the part of my little niece is making my collection of "Girls Gone Wild" videos look like nothing more than a musty old stack of Guideposts! "And on Sunday....Oh, the humanity"!("But she do look good, don't she"?....Amen!!!!)

Al said...

Is it just me, or does anyone else have a hankering for a nice slice of "cheesecake" right about now? The cheesecake Factory called, and they want their March Calendar Model back ASAP! To tell you the truth, I don't think that I'll ever be able to look at another curvacious body in a bikini again in quite the same way! You just can't improve on "Perfection"!!! "Hang ten my little dudette"!