Monday, March 24, 2008

I love my Grandpappy

I love my grandpappy, Boyd-otis! He loves to snap pictures of me, but I want to see MORE of them! I like it when he holds me and kisses my little "heed"!


Anonymous said...

Autumn...Do you know how much you are loved? You should!!! Heck, on Easter alone, you got passed around more than a cheap hooker! I wish I had that many people loving on me, but I will settle for some more of your sloppy kisses! Deal? Love you!

Aunt Lisa

Al said...

Autie Rae,
Your Grandpappy Boyd Otis is a great guy to be sure! But take "heed" my little "Graham Cracker", 'cause there's one thing he likes even better than snapping lots of pictures of you....and that's passing the check to someone else!!! "Enjoy"!