Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day - A Mixed Bag of Emotions

Today was a mixed bag, some good & some bad emotions. It started pretty good, with me downin' 4 ounces of Similac Sensitive Formula. I knew something was going on when mom & dad packed me into the 4-Runner. We were running late and I could feel the tension. However, once I was led into the Doctor's office, I was fine. I began sucking on my hands and "cooing" - Little did I know what was in store!!!

Well, my head is now 16 inches in width, and I now weigh 11lbs. So, I gained 1lb and 1 inch on my noggin. Also, I am up to 23 3/4 inches in length, so I think I might have a future in basketball at this point.

The horror set in when the nurse inserted four needles into me, two in each ham hock. I cried for about 10 seconds and then I was fine. After that, it was off to Target so mom could buy me some liquid Baby Tylenol for the upcoming pain and discomfort.

When we arrived home, mom & dad surprised me with my first pony, but hopefully not my last (take note aunt Lisa - you know what I mean!). Here are a couple of pics from my pony ride. Happy Valentine's Day to everyone - I love you!


Anonymous said...

I think we need to get an "I LOVE AUNT LISA" t-shirt for you!

Al said...


Happy Valentine's Day "little one!" I hope you are recuperating nicely at home this evening while entertaining the folks and peanut. Tell your dad, however, that if Paul Johnson doesn't pan out, you and your dad are going to need a lot more liquid baby tylenol to get over the pain and suffering! As far as the t-shirt goes, how about a nice-- "I love Uncle Al-- He's my Best Pal!" Think about it sweet pea. I love you!