Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sleeping, my second favorite thing to do....

Here are my many faces, all of them catching z's! Besides consuming my formula, sleeping is my favorite thing to do! Also, did I mention that I love my dad's recliner??? I love him so much, I often leave quite a pool of drool for him as a reminder of my love. Can you say "Angelic"?


Anonymous said...

Drooling is completely OK at your age...When you get into your 30's it is frowned upon...Thank God I got rid of that dead "wet" weight! In turn I gained a cute little princess...YOU! You can drool on me anytime! I love you!

Al said...

Your daddy is still One Lucky Fella! I'll take a pool of drool in my recliner Any day over a pungent stool! Can you say, "Scotchguard"? I also agree and disagree with your adoring Aunt Lisa. Sure, it's O.K. for you to drool, but it's also O.K. for men like me to drool....especially, when we're ogling beautiful young women in their twenties and Early thirties! Maybe, when you get a little older, you can purchase me a couple of Bibs! I don't think the ladies appreciate men in wet shirts. "Rock On Little One"!!!