Monday, February 4, 2008

I Love Taking a Bath!

Yeah, this is me. I am going through a phase right now where I like to put my hands in my mouth and it gets quite stinky sometimes. So, My mom has had to give me more baths than she probably wants to administer. Here are a couple of shots of me enjoying a bath!


Anonymous said...

Brush her teeth to while your at it...and don't forget the Listerine! Just kidding...she is smells like roses! Precious lil' thing!

Anonymous said...


Don't forget to omb her tootie too! :)

Al said...

"Lay not a hand on that precious child"! You are in danger of washing off all of that sugar! People in third world countries would give their eye teeth....that is, if they had smell that sweet buttermilk breath and to behold, if only once in their sad and miserable lives, a single royal strand of "Grandma's Beads"! "So go ahead and try, try if you must, to wash off all of that blessed sugar"! Baby Autumn will just make "MORE"!