Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Don't take a bottle out of my mouth or this will happen...


Carol said...

She looks like Mike! Hope she does not keep her hair as short as he does! So you decided to be a stay at home Mom??! Good for you. They only stay small for a little time, although I think you could have got her a real pony and not a stuffed one. I do hope I meet her soon. Carol

Carol said...

She looks like Mike! Hope she does not keep her hair as short as he does! So you decided to be a stay at home Mom??! Good for you. They only stay small for a little time, although I think you could have got her a real pony and not a stuffed one. I do hope I meet her soon. Carol

Anonymous said...

I think I may call DEFACs if you keep taking that bottle out of that sweet angels mouth!

Al said...

After following Ga. Tech for the last six seasons, I thought your daddy, of all people, would have learned his lesson by now....keep the bottle in the mouth! Heavy drinking is the only way to make the nightmares go away! So what say, you and I dear Autumn, share a cold one and discuss who you really look like? I love you Sweet Pea!